
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Art of Worship

Sometimes when I think about just how awesome and complex we really are created, I am rendered speechless. I am amazed at just how much potential life holds, no matter the amount we are gifted with. This thought is what drives my passion for children's ministry. Life is not valued in the social climate of today, at least not in the simple things that make life beautiful. I understand how God has wired me. I am His example of creativity, and have been since a very young child.  Now this attribute can be and has been debated by certain individuals as a useless demeanor. Despite opposing opinions,  it is how I have chosen to bring glory and honor to my King. This is an area that I feel strongly about when it comes to ministering and mentoring children . To understand how God has created them, and not why, as well as developing those areas of our life as our act of worship to God. Our lives and the way we live them, I believe, is a continual and daily act of worship unto God. Hands-on experiences give children an avenue of discovering how God chose to create them and what they have been designed for. It is also a time to give children the freedom to live out loud for God as a child rather than wait until they are older. Jesus didn't wait until the children were adults to hang out with or bless them. It is vital to a child's spiritual development to allow them to express their art of worship. Always keep in mind that the process and journey is the most important, not the final product of their creation.

This is just one example of Art of Worship by our very own resident artist, my wonderful step-son, Dylan.

Copyright 2012. P.L. Woodruff, The Crayon Bucket, and LunchBox Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

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